Sunday, June 24, 2012

Review of Watched by Cindy Hogan


Overview by B&N

She longs for it.
A Murder.
She will never be the same.
It takes more than a school trip to Washington, D.C. to change Christy’s life. It takes murder.
A witness to the brutal slaying of a senator’s aide, Christy finds herself watched not only by the killers and the FBI, but also by two hot guys.
She quickly discovers that if she can’t help the FBI, who want to protect her, it will cost her and her new friends their lives.

Review by the Bookworm

The writing was excellent, but I had to push through the first couple of chapters.  Though the characters was well developed it just seemed to be a slow starter.  BUT, like some wonderful movies, the slow starters usually pick up and wind up being the Oscar winners. 

"Watched" is about Christy, a fifteen year old girl with aspirations of being different.  Wants to be kissed, wants a life full of adventure, and winning a trip to Washington, D.C, is her new beginning.  But her new beginning takes an awful start when she witnesses a murder with a group of her knew friends. 

Now Christy is running for her life, and feeling guilty about the people that surround her.  Will the FBI save Christy and her two crushes, or will she be crushed when she learns that not only can she not have either boy, but that it's her actions that leave many people dead?

Pick it up!

The Bookworm

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