Saturday, June 9, 2012

Review of Glow by Stacey Wallace Benefiel

Overview by B&N

Zellie Wells has mastered her powers and gotten the guy. She’s lived through her parents’ divorce and being separated from Avery. She’s come back from the dead.
What else is there?
Oh, yeah. REVENGE.
Discover how it all ends when Zellie and the gang finally track down Mildred and fight to right the wrongs of The Society’s past, present and future.

Reivew by the Bookworm

Miss Stacey (Mrs., I know. :)) Wallace Benefiel is truly now one of my favorite authors.  I have read and reviewed all three of the books in the Glimpse trilogy and they are frickey fliptastic!  She has made me fall in love with more characters than I ever had in a book.  Each one of them have their own unique personality and it shines through!

In the final book, (which is a super bummer, because you can see this stretching out!) Zellie must secretely put together the clues to which her grandmother (now dead) is giving her in three specific glimpses to find the arch enemy Mildred.  The woman bent on basically making The Society the most powerful group on the planet.  (Can we say massive takeover?)

Ben is reuntied with his trigger Connor, with the help of some unfortunate events.  (See, this is why I absolutely adore this book!)  Avery gets to experience power as does Zellie and Melody's pastor father.  Hey, this book is jammed packed with laughter, awwwwwweeee moments and a couple of tears. 

Miss Benefiel weaves the humor, romance, heart touching sentiment into each and ever line.  If you are reading a book, chunk it now and pick up this trilogy.  You will NOT regret it.

The Bookworm!

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