Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Review of Dark World by Danielle Lee

Overview by B&N

A beautiful monster.

That’s what Scarlet Prince became after she was damned to a nocturnal world crawling with sphinxes, gargoyles, and necromancers. If only she’d heeded the warnings of the local legend, none of this would have happened.

With a dark destiny haunting her and unearthly powers she can’t control, she is torn between freeing the inhabitants of Dark World and satiating her lust for souls, until she finds the one thing she never expected in a war-torn netherworld: Love.

Only he’s the enemy. Loving him could very well destroy the entire realm—and every human on earth.

Review by the Bookworm

I have read one other book by Miss Lee and found it quite enjoyable.  This one took me off guard.  The first few, uh, I think they are chapters are a little slow after Scarlet finds herself damned, but then was sucked into the very end.

Now from previous reviews from other people, they said it had a surprise ending.  They must not be avid readers because it was very very predictable.  I can even tell you how the sequal is going to go and it's not even out yet.  But, if you enjoy demons (which this is a unique view on them), and D&D kinda stuff, this will be right up your alley!

The Bookworm!


  1. Considering I've just started writing the sequel and I'm uncertain as to how it's going to go, that's pretty impressive. Lol

    1. Hey, even I can say when I'm wrong! (Though others would say different!) I apologize if I've offended you in anyway. I truly enjoyed the book!

  2. No offense at all, it's good to know people's true feelings. :). It is interesting though that you found it predictable because when I write, I don't plan ahead, I just let the characters take over and tell their story. There were things at the end that surprised even me. Lol

    I'd love to hear what you predict might happen, here's my email if you want.
