Author Interviews!

1. How did you come up with the inspiration for Dark World?

I was on the treadmill one day, listening to the song Fighter by Christina Aguilera, and an image of a young woman walking through the forest came into my thoughts. She'd taken a shortcut to get home but stumbled across a ritual taking place--and they just so happened to need a sacrifice. The little scenario took on a life of its own, with her being sucked into an underworld where she changed into a powerful creature and came back to kick her murderers butts. My muse has an interesting approach at times. lol

2. What was the inspiration for one of my favorites, Inhuman?

Inhuman had an interesting start too. When I was sixteen, I needed to have minor surgery. Now, while most people are afraid of going under anesthetic and not waking up, I was terrified that they'd cut me open and discover that I wasn't human. I was immediately concerned about what would happen to someone should they be labelled non-human, would they lose their human rights? I know, I have a vivid imagination. But the thought stayed with me for over fifteen years, and eventually became Inhuman.

3. What was it that made you decide that writing was a career that you would choose?

Because of my crazy imagination and ability to put it on paper, it seemed a logical decision. When I was in grade six I won the Young Authors Award and got to spend the day with Robert Munsch. I think writing was in my destiny. :)

4.Will there be sequels to any of your named works?  (I know there is, but if you want to expound on it, great!)

For now, I'll be concentrating on Dark World's sequels. There will three in total for the main story, and depending on demand, I'll create further works in the realm. Such as Chronicles of Vale, Aura, Sybil, etc. As for Inhuman, there's always the question if I'll do a sequel. I might. That's all I can offer right now. lol

5. In Dark World, we meet Kane, Lucifer's son, what made you think to bring demons to such a personal level with humans?

I wanted to show how powerful labels and stereotyping can be. Over the centuries, humans have dubbed demons as vile, horrific entities, but have never thought beyond the folklore. Dark World, hopefully, tears down walls of racism, showing us that our heritage is not necessarily the truth, nor our destiny. We are what we choose to be, not what's assumed.

6. We also meet, Scarlet, who in Shade form becomes somewhat of a love interest of Kane's, will we see this relationship develop further?

Their love will be tested for sure, as is all love.

7.  Some authors have special places to write.  Do you have one?  If so, where?

I love to write in my bed, with my laptop. I find it the most comfortable and secluded.

8.  Do you play any sort of "mood music" as you write?  If so, who inspires you more?

Nope, I need silence to write. No music, no TV, and no one home seems to work best. I like to zone out, go right into Dark World, be right there with the characters.

9.  Who is your favorite author and do they inspire your work?

I enjoy many authors: Stephenie Meyer (The Host, especially), most recently, Nora Roberts (the less romantic ones) and Sophie Jordan (Firelight). I'm really picky with my books, I enjoy beautiful writing, which, to be honest, is hard to find. I like when words flow like music. Most writing is...hard, for lack of a better word, flat and unmoving.

10.  A very, shall we say, well meaning critic, called your book Dark World, predictable.  How do you deal with people reading your work and judging it?

Lol!  Well, to be honest, that's been one of the hardest lessons for me to learn over the last four years. I used to take offense to critical remarks and harsh reviews, even shed a few tears. But lately I've learned to respect the reviewers feelings and even learn from what they've said. Now I accept my weaknesses and try to strengthen them, rather than brood over the comments. I don't think I'll ever find it easy to accept criticism, especially if it's nasty, but I'll learn what I can and hopefully it makes me a better writer in the process.  :)


  1. Could you change the font color of the answers? This is really hard to read

    1. Hope that helped! Sorry about the hightlights. This thing is doing things without my permission!
