Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Turbulent Tuesday Rant!!!!!!!!


Things that just make me want to hit something!  Ugh!  Rant for the day is about the Generation X and the children they have raised.  Come on!  Could we not have instilled a little common sense, decency and all around good humor in these children?  Seriously!  These kids these days have NO respect for anyone, much less their parents or other adult figures.

The teens are out of control, no grip on reality and thinks everything should be handed to them.  There is no working for what you get, no earning respect, no politness, NOTHING!!!!  How did this happen?  I know that the grandparents were raised in the hippie generation, but they still managed to instill in their children some sort of brains that made the children think for themselves, but something happened in the 90's, and somehow basic parenting was tossed aside.

Spare the rod, spoil the child was thrown out the window.  Now everything consists of time outs, no no no no, and "I'm so sorry, she's just exhausted," days.  Time out is great, FOR MINOR ISSUES!  But when that child has purposely gone out of its way to hit, it's time to teach it that hitting hurts!  I guarentee Generation X got a few hands put across their backside!  I guess it just goes to show that we have become to "sweet" to even reprimand out own children!

The Bookworm!


  1. That is such a generalizing and narrow minded view. While having an opinion is one thing, stereotyping all X kids as disrespectful, spoiled and ignorant is just plain simple-minded. I haven't known about your blog for long but I have enjoyed it until now. You speak as if you know every person and their lives, you don't. The generation you seem to think so low of are the ones who probably make up a majority of your follower. Some will be as you portray, I know some like this, and I know others who are respectful and kind and smart. Do not let your opinion and attitude towards some make you so quick to judge others who have done nothing to deserve such animosity. Obviously you are not as "sweet" as you say.

    1. Dear Anonymous,

      Thank you for your oh so kind words! I never said I was "sweet!", but thank you for that implication! Also, I am a part of that generation, so I know that not all of us are that way. And obviously so are you or you wouldn't be offended. But, we have all our own opinions, and if fact that is my own opinion, just as your was as you said, calling me simple-minded. And, just so you know, this was back in May so obviously you haven't followed. Oh, and an F.Y.I., it's a "rant" and for fun. Sorry, if my simple mindedness offended you!
