Sunday, September 2, 2012

Review of Ravenous by Erica Stevens

Overview by B&N

The world didn’t end with a bang, didn’t go out in a ball of fire and fury. Nor did it end in ice, but in some strange way, ice was the end; or maybe it was the beginning of something more.

Bethany is stunned and horrified when she finds herself suddenly alone in a world that was alive only moments before. Terrified, she flees into the streets of her town, looking for answers, and desperate to reach her family. Panicked, she is nearly captured by the monsters hunting her until Cade steps in to rescue her. Dark and distant, most people in school are weary of Cade, yet oddly fascinated by him. They had been close as children, but it has been years since Bethany has had any real contact with Cade. Inexplicably drawn to his dark presence, Bethany finds herself torn between her growing desire for Cade, and her boyfriend, Bret’s, unwavering love. As their situation becomes even more perilous Bethany struggles to come to terms with her past, her terrifying new reality, and her growing love for a boy that is powerful, mysterious, and deadly.
Book one of The Ravening Series.

Review by the Bookworm

So, I'm not into books about world takeovers....especially by aliens, but this one had me on edge, trying not to revert to an age old habit of biting my nails, and literally screaming at the characters to run!

I am totally in love with the character Cade.  Though there is something a little mysertious/off about him, that I think will be revealed in the second book. 

Bethany finds herself in a world of frozen people.  Frightened and alone, she does find some others and try to fight their way off of a island.

Trust me, there isn't much I can say without giving everything away.  But if you like "never a dull moment," action, romance, a love triangle and a little gore, this is the book for you!


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