Sunday, July 15, 2012

Review of Angry: A Novel by Laura L. Smith

Overview by B&N

Emma is angry. She’s angry at her siblings, who she always has to baby sit; her parents, who are divorcing and ruining her life in the process; and herself for not measuring up to anyone’s standards.

With her simmering feelings ready to spill over at any time, Emma's self-worth plummets. Her faith in God is tested in the face of overwhelming hurt that threatens to send her over the edge. Can she turn back in time?

Review by the Bookworm

Okay, so it's rare that I pick up a book with religious overtones.  I grew up in the bible belt and was raised tride and true.  Not that I don't like Christian books, on the contrary there are many Christian authors that I do love.  It's just rare that I do pick one up.

In Angry we meet Emma.  Emma is a teen girl with her life going well.  All except for babysitting.  I disagree with the overview, she snaps at her sibs, but she's not angry at them.  And in the book, she doesn't act angry with them.  She just has moments where she snaps as we all do.

Now, her mother and father are a different breed all together. She is angry at them.  Who wouldn't be when you are 16, you just won a major role in the Les Mis play, you find a shoebox filled with things from his mistress and acts like it is you that did something wrong, and your mother is quickly becoming a sodden alcoholic mess while you are trying to keep your life on track as well as your younger siblings?

I'd be angry too.  Anyway, Emma has been to youth group and knows that you find peace when talking to God.  She always felt better, but with everything that is going on, everything that she's trying to keep together, she pushes Him further and further away.  Will Emma find the peace she's looking for without Him, or will she need to push aside her anger for a few moments and just have a little talk with Jesus?

All in all, it's a good quick pool read that will leave you thinking.

The Bookworm!

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